We run 2 Beaver sections at 1st lower Earley, one on a Monday, and one on a Wednesday. Throughout the year we partake in a huge variety of subjects and activities all targeted specifically for our Beavers.  We meet weekly to play games, try new things and learn skills to last a lifetime. 

Examples of activities we have done include,

·         Visiting local fire stations to learn about fire safety

·         Cycling lessons

·         Night Hikes and wildlife walks

·         Climbing

·         Katakanuing

·         Growing our own veg

·         Pizza making

·         Scalextric speedway

·         Fire lighting

·         Crate stacking

·         Obstacle course and zip line

·         Meeting a selection of unusual pets.

·         Tomahawk throwing (foam)

We aim to keep our programme varied and are adding new activities and subjects every year whilst we work to earn our badges, with the aim to achieve our Chief Scout Bronze award before being invited to move on to Cubs.

We also offer a local night away camping, where we take part in multiple activities followed by hot chocolate and marshmallows around the campfire. They even do their own washing up! These are great fun and really help the beavers develop their independence and try new skills.

This runs in addition to a regular 1st Lower Earley Family Camp for all the family and it would be great if you could join us to see your Scouts in action and take part in activities.

Adults- if you fancy learning these skills, or if you have some already why not join us as a leader? Help is always appreciated and it’s great to watch the scouts learn great skills and have fun doing it.

6–8 yrs
Monday Beavers
5.45-6.45pm Term Time only
Hillside Primary School, Rushey Way, Lower Earley, Berkshire, RG6 4HQ
Wednesday Beavers
6:00pm – 7:00pm Term Time only
Hillside Primary School, Rushey Way, Lower Earley, Berkshire, RG6 4HQ