Throughout the year we have a wide range of activities for the Scouts. We have our own activities and also take part in District and County activities.
District and County activities include :
- Raft building and racing – which we have been victorious in!
- Cooking Competition
- Bowling Competition
- Great Breakfast Chase ( A night hike with challenges along the way)
- Three Towers Hike ( A 20km or 28km Hike)
- Dragon Boat racing
We undertake a wide variety of activities with a fun packed program throughout the year with :
- Several overnight camps
- Camp skills
- Navigation training
- Evening and Day Hikes
- Cycling trips
- Climbing
- Candle Dipping
- Pyrography
- Whittling.
- Chalk Mine Trips
- Crate Stacking
- Archery
- And many more!
- Learning life skills like Team work, Cooking and First Aid, VHF Radio Use. And a whole bunch of other fun activities.
We aim to add new activities every year.
We also offer a biennial Expedition for our more experienced scouts, where they have the opportunity to put into practice all the skills they have learnt in scouting. The scouts plan all aspects of their expedition – including travel, hiking route, and menus. They take public transport, do a day hike then set up and run their own overnight camp. They then continue their expedition the next day with a further hike before travelling home. They do all this on their own with the leaders supervising but not taking part in their adventure.
We also have a regular 1st Lower Earley Family Camp for all the family and it would be great if you could join us to see your Scouts in action and take part in activities.
Adults- if you fancy learning these skills, or if you have some already why not join us as a leader? Help is always appreciated and it’s great to watch the scouts learn great skills and have fun doing it.